While we like to think every Woodhouse chocolate is special, we can make them especially yours. We have more then a decades experience creating custom chocolates for hundred's of companies and individuals. Whether you chose to place your logo on our chocolates, favor boxes or bars, we promise to make your image shine.

     If you are planning corporate gifts, events or even a wedding, a fun and effective way to brand the experience is to include your art/logo on the top of a Woodhouse chocolate. We have various flavors and shapes of chocolates that can display a simple logo or message. The process is easy: you provide us with your artwork and for a fixed, one time fee, it will be converted into a cocoa butter image ready to be placed on a chocolate. We can even store your logo to be used for future projects.


     Another way to get your message across is to afix your message and or logo to our packaging. We can easily help to create a four color sticker using your artwork and place it on the outside of our products. Whether you choose favor boxes, chocolate bars or other items, your clients or guests will know who provided their chocolate delights.

Custom Orders